Wednesday, October 29, 2008


September 28, 2008

Dear Human Communicators,

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

Welcome to the 6th edition of Dear PS! For the last 6 months we have been climbing the Communication Staircase empowering our communication awareness and skills. I hope you are finding the communication tools and advice valuable. In this edition we are discussing the power of Public Presentation – FINDING YOUR VOICE! Make sure you read chapter 5 of The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace (ASC).

Now, we have some exciting news to share with you! Several months ago we came in contact with an organization called Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB). We joined because we needed to consolidate and increase our charitable contribution impact as well as take advantage of the incredible personal growth offerings of HUB. As a secondary incentive, we understood that we could share HUB with others and profit from its multi-level marketing model. But honestly, we were so excited to be contributing to HUB sponsored programs like Feed the Children, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Yunus’s Micro-loan Programs, Clean water projects and building schools, we really did not seriously consider the economic benefits to our business. Well, the economic reality of our world is changing the way all of us must look at our resources AND ways to participate in healing the planet. HUB is it! Not only do we have our own HUB portal to advertise our business and products to millions; not only are we wisely providing for the needs of those less fortunate; not only are we being mentored by some of the greatest business and motivational minds IN THE WORLD, we now realize that we really can make money to grow our dreams. It’s true; we’ve experienced it and seen it first hand. Interested, visit the HUB website at; it’s time for a new paradigm. When we work together to uplift humanity, we uplift ourselves. Join us!

Visit our blog for Dear PS archives and please send your comments to:

Public Presentation Communication Tips

Dear PS,

Q: I freeze up when I have to speak “off the cuff”. I get so self-conscious and my words just don’t come
out the way I want.
A: You are not alone. Most individuals find impromptu communication uncomfortable. A couple of
suggestions: (1) increase your repertoire of global awareness, you can not contribute if your
knowledge base only contains your personal likes/dislikes; (2) improve your vocabulary; (3) be ready –
if there is even the remote possibility that you may need, want to contribute, plan ahead, and lastly (4)
be interested in others and LISTEN – this technique can give you lots to contribute by just asking
questions based on what others are interested in. These are just a few techniques. ASC chapter 5
offers many more ways to find your voice when you want it!

Q: I often have to give presentations for my firm and even though I enjoy speaking in front of
groups, I find that I struggle with self consciousness and as a result have trouble getting my message
A: You have heard that Public Speaking is the number one fear for most people. You at least will move
through the fear and come forward to speak your “truth”. I suggest two ways for controlling
nervousness when speaking in public: (1) preparation and (2) message consciousness. Preparation
creates confidence; message-consciousness maintains composure. You need a healthy dose of number 2
- keep your mind on your message and off your self!

Q: I listen to people like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey and other great communicators. Their voices
sound so professional, so interesting. I think mine is flat and boring. Can I change this?
A: You sure can! Your Paralanguage (see chapter 2 ASC) is the tonal quality and other nuances that
make your voice unique. Fortunately, your vocalics can be altered if you so desire. Some take
accent/dialect reduction classes, which I do not advocate except in extreme cases. Some individuals just
need to raise or lower their speech, maybe talk slower or faster, or focus on their diction. There are
many ways we can “clean up” our voices to be more interesting, vibrant and clear to our listeners. At
HCI, LLC we provide these services individually and for groups. Call for your free consultation today!

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice! And that’s my word!
Pass It On!