Thursday, November 20, 2008

“We are not the Red States and Blue States; we are the UNITED States of America!” President Elect Barack Obama

Read chapter 7, for autographed copy

November 19, 2008

“We are not the Red States and Blue States; we are the UNITED States of America!” President Elect Barak Obama

Once again, the power of positive, clear communication inspired the hearts and minds of millions! If you can think of any single skill that most strategically helped President-Elect Obama achieve his goal as Commander and Chief of the United States of America, effective communication would have to be right up there with #1. The 2008 Presidential Election ignited conversation about the possibility of change around the world. I suggest, as we move from excited shock to the excitement of what it means to participate in change we will better understand the importance and power of Communication – the art and the science!

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

Welcome to the 7th and final 2008 edition of Dear PS! For the last 7 months we have taken step by step the 7 steps of the Communication Staircase empowering our communication awareness and skills. We hope you have benefited from our learned knowledge about applying effective communication tools in your life. In this edition, we are discussing the ever increasing need to be culturally competent in your communication. We now live in a global community. How prepared are you at making room for ‘others’ in your workplace or community? Make sure you read chapter 7 of The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace. Also we want to share ASC endorsement by Ken Blanchard of Ken Blanchard Companies:
“If you want to improve your relationships at work, you may need to learn how to communicate better. In The Art and Science of Communication by Pamela Perkins, you’ll learn how to express yourself more effectively and how to better understand the people around you. This interesting book is sure to perk up your people skills!”
-Ken Blanchard, coauthor of The One Minute Manager® and The One Minute Entrepreneur™

Alert, we are moving forward globally with Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB). Visit the HUB website at; it’s an opportunity to work together to uplift humanity.

Thanks for a momentous year of faith, love, support, struggle and triumph! See you next year!
God bless us all!

Visit our blog for Dear PS archives and please send your comments to:

Intercultural Communication Tips
Dear PS,

Q: I am a mentor to one of the newer staff members and she happens to be Vietnamese. She always seems
so mild mannered and I keep trying to get her to speak up for herself and be more competitive.
A: This is a very typical scenario in many diverse organizations. Those that are enculturated in U.S.
American organizational cultures, are very receptive to competition and its mandates. Not all
organizational cultures thrive in competition and not everyone is interested in scaling the corporate
ladder. Some are content where they are. This is not to say that this is the circumstance of your
colleague; however, she has been nurtured in a culture that is more cooperative and has more power
distance issues. Many thrive in a different framework of promotion. (See chapter 7 ASC) First, do not
assume everyone wants the same thing. Secondly, after you have given support and gentle nudges, let it
go and she will find her comfort zone.

Q: Now that Barack Obama is President-Elect Obama, often at work I get this “obviously you voted for
Obama look”, solely predicated on race. And yes, I voted for Obama; not solely on the fact that he is half white and half black, he was the only qualified candidate in my opinion.
A: You bring up a very important issue – “your opinion”, and its other people’s opinions that have them
looking at you cock-eyed. Perspective is a very interesting thing. There is a theory called “Standpoint”
that theorizes an individual can only see from where they stand. Pretty common sense unless you
truly attempt to walk in another person’s shoes. Try not to take it personal. Change is a hard thing for
most people. Make room for other realities while honoring your own.

Q: I work with all kinds of people and feel myself to be very open as a white, heterosexual male.
However, I have a new coworker that it is a bit hard for me to develop a relationship with. She is “out”
and always talking about her “family” when we are bringing up small talk as a group. The gay thing
always seems to be in the way. I am a bit surprised by my discomfort.
A: Yes, this is obviously a preoccupation with you. I am not sure how any of us expect not to see the
opposite of ourselves all the time. Six billion people on the planet; six million variations of
everything in the flesh. Spirit is something different. Kind of puts things in perspective doesn’t
it? Move over.
PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice! And that’s my word!
Pass It On!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


September 28, 2008

Dear Human Communicators,

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

Welcome to the 6th edition of Dear PS! For the last 6 months we have been climbing the Communication Staircase empowering our communication awareness and skills. I hope you are finding the communication tools and advice valuable. In this edition we are discussing the power of Public Presentation – FINDING YOUR VOICE! Make sure you read chapter 5 of The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace (ASC).

Now, we have some exciting news to share with you! Several months ago we came in contact with an organization called Humanity Unites Brilliance (HUB). We joined because we needed to consolidate and increase our charitable contribution impact as well as take advantage of the incredible personal growth offerings of HUB. As a secondary incentive, we understood that we could share HUB with others and profit from its multi-level marketing model. But honestly, we were so excited to be contributing to HUB sponsored programs like Feed the Children, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Yunus’s Micro-loan Programs, Clean water projects and building schools, we really did not seriously consider the economic benefits to our business. Well, the economic reality of our world is changing the way all of us must look at our resources AND ways to participate in healing the planet. HUB is it! Not only do we have our own HUB portal to advertise our business and products to millions; not only are we wisely providing for the needs of those less fortunate; not only are we being mentored by some of the greatest business and motivational minds IN THE WORLD, we now realize that we really can make money to grow our dreams. It’s true; we’ve experienced it and seen it first hand. Interested, visit the HUB website at; it’s time for a new paradigm. When we work together to uplift humanity, we uplift ourselves. Join us!

Visit our blog for Dear PS archives and please send your comments to:

Public Presentation Communication Tips

Dear PS,

Q: I freeze up when I have to speak “off the cuff”. I get so self-conscious and my words just don’t come
out the way I want.
A: You are not alone. Most individuals find impromptu communication uncomfortable. A couple of
suggestions: (1) increase your repertoire of global awareness, you can not contribute if your
knowledge base only contains your personal likes/dislikes; (2) improve your vocabulary; (3) be ready –
if there is even the remote possibility that you may need, want to contribute, plan ahead, and lastly (4)
be interested in others and LISTEN – this technique can give you lots to contribute by just asking
questions based on what others are interested in. These are just a few techniques. ASC chapter 5
offers many more ways to find your voice when you want it!

Q: I often have to give presentations for my firm and even though I enjoy speaking in front of
groups, I find that I struggle with self consciousness and as a result have trouble getting my message
A: You have heard that Public Speaking is the number one fear for most people. You at least will move
through the fear and come forward to speak your “truth”. I suggest two ways for controlling
nervousness when speaking in public: (1) preparation and (2) message consciousness. Preparation
creates confidence; message-consciousness maintains composure. You need a healthy dose of number 2
- keep your mind on your message and off your self!

Q: I listen to people like Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey and other great communicators. Their voices
sound so professional, so interesting. I think mine is flat and boring. Can I change this?
A: You sure can! Your Paralanguage (see chapter 2 ASC) is the tonal quality and other nuances that
make your voice unique. Fortunately, your vocalics can be altered if you so desire. Some take
accent/dialect reduction classes, which I do not advocate except in extreme cases. Some individuals just
need to raise or lower their speech, maybe talk slower or faster, or focus on their diction. There are
many ways we can “clean up” our voices to be more interesting, vibrant and clear to our listeners. At
HCI, LLC we provide these services individually and for groups. Call for your free consultation today!

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice! And that’s my word!
Pass It On!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

August 24, 2008

Dear Human Communicators,

How successful would you be personally and professionally if you had a personal Communication Advisor?

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

Welcome to the 5th edition of Dear PS! For the last 5 months we have been climbing the Communication Staircase empowering our communication awareness and skills. I hope you are finding the communication tools and advice valuable. In this edition we are discussing the power of persuasion in relationship to the pervasive messages of mass media confronting all of us daily. There are only 3 ways to persuade and 3 reasons for doing it. Make sure you read chapter 6 of The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace (ASC).

The Human Communication Institute, LLC just returned from an incredibly successful Warm Spirit® Conference in New Orleans and a series of book signings. We are pleased and proud to say “PEOPLE ARE GETTING IT!” They are receiving the empowering tool of the Communication Staircase Model and personal, social and professional lives are positively changing! As our “Dear PS” family, we truly hope yours is too! And as always, we sincerely appreciate your support and PASSING US ON!

Visit our blog for Dear PS archives and please send your comments to:

Mass/Persuasive Communication Tips

Dear PS,

Q: Can you help me understand why I seem to be receptive to other people ideas at work and so lacking in
confidence about my own? I seem to trust and listen to others more than I do myself!
A: You appear to be an individual that is highly influenced by “speaker credibility” or ethos. In other
words, during your years of socialization, other people’s opinions, attitudes, and beliefs took
precedence over your own. This inclination has transferred into your professional life. Take some time
to think about why other people’s opinions are more valuable than your own. When did it begin? What
experiences made you devalue your ideas as less than others? Come to understand that you do have
a unique contribution to make to both your personal and professional settings. Find your voice and
trust it. Yes, we should seek the advice and opinions of those we trust and admire but your destiny can
only be forged by trusting yourself with the answers for your future as well as the talents you bring to
the workplace.

Q: I am a having trouble getting my message across to my co-workers. We are having problems meeting
deadlines and as their supervisor I just can’t seem to motivate them to action!
A: Your concern is not uncommon to others in leadership positions. Our last communiqué discussed team
building and tips for effective teams. We define a successful team as one that thrives in co-opetition,
“members contributing their individual best for the collective good.” This is the vital key to motivating
your team - making sure that you are valuing each member for their individual contributions and sharing
the vision of the collective reward. Motivation is not a hard sale. It is encouraging individuals to
continue to do what they already know will benefit them. Work on the communication climate and make
sure you are communicating success and mutual advantage. Read the Mass/Persuasion chapter in ASC.
It provides great tools for influencing your audience.

Q: There are so many different choices in life? I am having trouble navigating through all the different
voices. How can I find my own path?
A: This is the question all of us must ask we seek to understand our unique contribution to the vast universe
of creation. Be careful of the “mass” voices that daily make their way into your consciousness. “Be this,
do that, have this, want that!” Determine where these voices are coming from and what are they asking
of you. Are they driving you towards your individual best or are they asking you to subjugate your
desires to their own? Discover your passion and live in it. Invite only those voices, those choices that
support your dream and add your wonderful contribution to this wonderful creation!

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice! And that’s my word!
Pass It On!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dear PS

Dear Human Communicators,

Welcome to our new “Dear PS Blog”. Send Your Comments!!!

How successful would you be personally and professionally if you had a personal Communication Advisor?

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

What a difference a few weeks makes! Since our last communiqué, we now have a democratic frontrunner for President of the United States of America that is also breaking historical barriers by being a Bi-racial (Black) American male! Hillary Clinton waged the most successful female candidacy ever! We are also dealing with the devastating fall-out of the Mississippi River floods! There are again peace talks between Hamas and Israel! The EU has decided to lift sanctions from Cuba! What a few incredible weeks...Think about it. All that we know and understand about the aforementioned situations is what has been shared, created or experienced through the POWER of WORD. What is your word creating? If you are reading this newsletter, your continued communication will be enriched. Share with others! That’s what Interpersonal Communication is all about – sharing with another in connectivity.

I am so excited to share as author that The Art and Science of Communication (ASC) is flying off the shelves of major bookstores nationally, international and online into the hands and mind of a multitude of interested readers! THANK YOU to all who have purchased copies and are already reading and sharing. I just returned from a Barnes and Noble 3-stop book tour in my home state N.C. It was FABULOUS! I am receiving some extremely positive and humbling feedback. I recently walked into a Borders Bookstore, and there was my book on the Business/Communication shelf! How exciting for me to sign a few copies for the store. We are in desperate need to understand more about this gift and the VITAL important power of communication skills to navigate every aspect of our lives. Please continue to join me and PASS IT ON!

LASTLY, Read The Art and Science of Communication, and PLEASE visit to share your review of the book with the world.

Interpersonal Communication Tips
Dear PS,

Q: One of my colleagues has a huge problem with listening! I can not get a word in. They always seem to know the answer to everything, right or wrong. How can I encourage him to listen?
A: You use the right phrase –“encourage to LISTEN.” Many people confuse hearing with listening. The deaf listen, they do not hear. Every time we engage in listening, we make a choice to do so. We hear involuntarily but we listen voluntarily. Share with your colleague that listening entails using 4 basic ingredients – the eyes, ears, mind and memory. All 4 need to work together synergistically to experience active listening. Encourage the department to sponsor classes in basic communication skills. Chapter two of ASC provides effective listening tools.

Q: I am having a really difficult time communicating with my spouse. It feels that we don’t have anything positive to share any more. It’s all about bills and problems at work. It’s as if when we talk, we no longer share the little things or our dreams and goals. I don’t know what to do.
A: The two of you have forgotten how to listen with empathy. There are only 4 types of listening experiences you vacillate between all day long. Empathy is one of them. To listen with empathy means to listen with your mind AND heart. Just because you care! Just because you value the other person’s opinions and dreams as much as your own. When you lose this vital ability within the interpersonal relationship, you are quickly on your way to termination. You both are encouraged to take the Listening
Self-Evaluation assessment in Chapter 2 of ASC and carefully examine the listening tips given. Also, it helps to make sure you really understand how important you are to one another.

Q: I understand how Intrapersonal Communication may affect my personal life but I do not understand its connection to my relationships.
A: You take you wherever you go! When you interact with others, you interact from the level of YOUR thoughts, YOUR feelings. All of these are a part of your Interpersonal Communication. Your relationships are built on how you see yourself, how you feel about yourself. If you are angry in your life, you will experience angry relationships. If you are content with you and your life, you will attract other contented relationships. We call these “mirror messages” – the reflection we get from others about ourselves. Your relationships are a reflection of how you see yourself always, and will change when you change – for better or for worse!

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice!
And that’s my word!
Pass It On!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

Dear Human Communicators,

How successful would you be personally and professionally if you had a personal Communication Advisor?

Isn’t It Time You Bring Communication to the Forefront of Your Life?

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

Welcome to the 4th edition of Dear PS! For over 20 years, I have committed myself to understanding both the art and science of communication in an effort to understand humanities greatest gift of connection and creativity. This newsletter provides the opportunity to share years of discovery and application. Please do not take this gift lightly. Your happiness, your success, your relationships depend on your ability to understand and use the tool of communication to create the life you want to live. Blog us, we would love to hear from you! This month, we highlight Small Group Communication; you know family, team, association, group... We all can learn to get along once we understand the vast importance of the role of perception as we make room for other realities. Want to change the world you're living in? Your communication effectiveness holds THE key!

The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace (ASC) is flying off the shelves of all the major bookstores into the hands of interested readers already sharing this important work with others. Our global society is desperate for people willing to increase their abilities to communicate, inspire and impact the world with words of healing ....we are here Pass It On!

Welcome to our new “Dear PS Blog”. Send Your Comments!!!

Small Group Communication Tips

Dear PS,

Q: Can you help me understand why I always seem to be so uncomfortable in group discussions? I just
clam up and wish I could disappear!
A: This is a common issue for many individuals. This is an important fact because those other 3 or more
individuals in the group are probably feeling the same way and faking their way through or
withdrawing just like you. Where does the discomfort come from? Basically, it is an unhealthy
obsession with “self”. Not as in positive self-esteem but as in low self-worth and an unhealthy focus on
your imagined shortcomings. Remember the phrase “you take you wherever you go”? Well, what is
your self-talk saying to you and how is it building or destroying your ability to be heard? Another issue
may be your lack of communication repertoire. What do you have to say? Focus on your issues of self-
worth and improve, increase your communication repertoire for greater communication opportunities.
Chapter 1, 4 and 5 of the ASC guidebook shed further light on this concern. Your VOICE is just as
important and worthy as the next....know it – speak it!
Q: I am a team leader at work and it is one of the most challenging positions I have ever had! The team
members are so diverse from their ideologies to their backgrounds. I am having trouble getting everyone
on the same page.
A: Welcome to the 21st century of diversity in the workplace. Increasingly, team leaders must become
culturally competent to manage diverse groups and points of view. There are many factors to leading in
the global marketplace. But a few important factors include: (1) how competent are you to lead the team
in terms of knowledge and desired outcomes, (2) what is your background working with individuals
who may bring to the table differing perspectives and worldview, (3) do you understand the important
difference between task and maintenance leadership skills, (4) what type is your leadership style and is
this group prepared for it and lastly, (5) how passionate are you about the mission? Answering these
questions will enable you to understand the amount of work that needs to be a part of your leadership
reasearch. Individuals will follow a leader who knows where he/she is going and passionate about what
ALL his/her members have to offer.

Q: I don’t understand why we have such a hard time working together in groups in the U.S. Other
countries such as China seem to be surpassing us in collective innovation and production. Does our
communication style offer any insight?

A: This is a great question that strikes at the heart of how we see ourselves. There are many ways to
approach this issue depending on who is answering the question, but I would like to offer one issue that
many feel greatly impacts this issue – “individualism versus collectivism”. We live in a “hyper-
individualistic” culture that places less value on the we than on the me. This affects every aspect of our
society. It breeds competition versus cooperation at every level of our culture. Just look around. You
want my definition of a good team? “A great team is comprised of members who contribute their
individual best for the collective good.”

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice!
And that’s my word!
Pass It On!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How successful would you be personally and professionally if you had a personal Communication Advisor? Welcome to the 2nd edition

Dear Human Communicators,

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication

Dear PS, is the advisor to “go to” for answers involving some of the most complex communication issues surrounding personal, social and professional relationships. I want to be YOUR advocate and advisor helping you to find answers to communication issues that are a part of your daily prescription for peace, love and prosperity. So, what do you have to do? Nothing...just read, enjoy, learn, share and by all means email any questions you would like for “Dear PS” to tackle on any communication issue!

Our first edition was a huge success! Thanks to all who responded! As for the rest of you, PLEASE READ! You will be glad you did and again, Please send any question you would like me to answer and I will print it without your name attached! ☺

Your monthly Communication Tips will highlight the communication arenas of the Communication Staircase Model™ (CSM), a new step being highlighted each month. This month, I will highlight the 2nd step of the Communication Staircase, Nonverbal Communication (NVC) – the conscious and/or subconscious sending and receiving of unspoken messages. Visit our website for further understanding of CSM.

We hope that you can join us for the San Diego release of The Art and Science of Communication: Tools for Effective Communication in the Workplace. Our first signing is right here in San Diego at the Grossmont Center, Barnes and Noble, Thursday, May 29th, 7-8 PM. Can't make it? Order online today!

Nonverbal Communication Tips
Dear PS,

Q: I understand that “body language” can be an important component of getting your message across but
beyond eye contact and gestures, I don’t really understand what I should be focusing on.
A: The aspect of NVC you are aware of is termed Kinesics which includes eye contact, gestures,
posture, facial expressions and other aspects of body movement. These are definitely the primary
message senders that others respond to during communication; however, NVC is much, much broader. It
includes factors such as space, time, smell, touching, paralanguage, and appearance. These are all areas
of the science of NVC and require investigation and knowledge. Actions do speak louder than words and
what you do not know can definitely affect your personal and professional success!

Q: I have a co-worker whose communication is very unprofessional. She talks using a lot of slang
and consistently uses bad English. I feel she is hurting her chances of professional success. She is very
bright but she sounds uneducated. Is this a part of the paralanguage you discuss? How can I help her?
A: It is very admirable that you are concerned about your colleague’s career. First, understand that while
English/Spanish/French or any formal language can be deemed “good or bad” based on the rules of
language, syntax, and grammar, communication is always “appropriate or inappropriate” based on the
audience. So the problem is that your colleague’s communication is inappropriate for the setting. While
this issue is a combination of verbal and nonverbal, the paralanguage aspect is nonverbal. The way she
“sounds” has to do with the vocal markers that accompany her words that identify her unique vocal
pattern. I suggest that you begin by understanding that the acceptable Eurocentric pattern of work
communication is not typical to everyone but many adapt to it as a workplace survival skill. This person
obviously has not. This is what she needs to understand: Her communication needs to adjust based on
her setting. It is a skill that comes from listening, learning and mimicking the expected professional
communication both verbally and nonverbally. Her “community dialect” should be relegated to her
personal and social settings. It can be a complex cultural issue. Invite a professional into the workplace
to assist.

Q: I am always late where ever I go! I just can not seem to help it. My family and social obligations keep
me running. At work, I always seem to be the last one at the meeting. Help!
A: This may be both a nonverbal and cross-cultural issue. You do not share your ethnicity but I suspect
that it may be one of a collective culture. U.S. Eurocentric culture is very time conscious as most
western/individualistic cultures tend to be. They are labeled monochronic and tend to be singularly
focused on time segmented according to activity. Whereas, collective cultures are labeled polychronic
and tend to focus on time more communally and place greater value on the relationship of time to
people and customs. This can be very disconcerting when these two paradigms clash as they often do in
the workplace. Learn to be polychronic in your personal and social life and monochronic in your
professional life. This is what I have to do. When in Rome...

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice!
And that’s my word!
Pass It On!

Friday, May 23, 2008

How successful would you be personally and professionally if you had a personal Communication Advisor?

Welcome to the exciting 2008 launch of:

Dear PS: Conversations about Communication™

My passion and mission is to share my expertise as a Communication Specialist. I truly believe in the importance of WORD POWER. As a part of my outreach, I have begun the process of branding
“Dear PS”, the advisor to “go to” for answers involving some of the most complex communication issues surrounding personal, social and professional relationships. I want to be YOUR advocate and advisor helping you to find answers to communication issues that are a part of your daily prescription for peace, love and prosperity. So, what do you have to do? Nothing...just read, enjoy, learn, share and by all means email any questions you would like for “Dear PS” to tackle on any communication issue!

Your monthly Communication Tips will highlight the communication arenas of the Communication Staircase Model™ (CSM), a new step being highlighted each month. This month, let’s start from the very beginning of every communication experience you have, every minute, every day – Intrapersonal- communication with yourself. Visit our website for further understanding of CSM.

Lastly, HCI is excited to announce the release of The Art and Science of Communication, Wiley & Sons Publishers, Inc., available online with major book retailers May 1st and in bookstores nationwide May 10th! There is a Dear PS section at the end of each chapter.

Intrapersonal Communication Tips
Dear PS,

Q: I have spent what feels like a life-time reading and listening to self-help books, tapes/cds, and I still
find myself unable to make the positive changes in my life I am seeking!
A: “As you think, so you are!” Your questions tells me a couple things about your journey, (1) you may be
waiting for a solution outside of yourself and (2) your communication shares that you are not
thinking in a manner that creates positive change. The type of journey you have committed to is
what your entire human life experience is about and as such, it takes a lifetime of care and
commitment. Life is a continuous adventure of growth and change. Be encouraged by this fact: Your
earnest desire is the only requirement for achieving the truth you seek. Stay focused, diligent and
patient. You are guaranteed victory! Examine the communication you are using, moment by moment.
This is the process of self-monitoring your feelings, your thoughts, and your words. You can not
separate your thoughts from your deliberate actions.

Q: I hear about the Law of Attraction so much these days. How does this relate to my words?
A: Another way of understanding the Law of Attraction is replacing the word “attraction” with
“alignment”. What “truth” practitioners are trying to share is that you can not produce in life
what you are not aligned with or what you do not truly believe. Often times, we try to fool ourselves
into believing that we are deserved of all the wonderful things and relationships we can wish for,
but we don’t do the work required to attract these desires to us. We want wealth, but we speak
poverty. We want a great relationship but we believe all men are “dogs” or all women are “gold
diggers”. Our thoughts and words do not align with what we think and say we want. Remember that
saying, “You can’t fool Mother Nature”? Think of Mother Nature as the creative force that produces in
the physical what you really think, feel and speak, not the mask you wear.

Q: I recognize how Intrapersonal Communication may affect my personal life but I do not understand its
connection to my professional life.
A: Always understand you take you wherever you go! The thoughts you wake up with every
morning do not stay behind when you enter the office. They follow you through your whole day!
That is why getting up on the “right side of the bed” (positive thoughts) versus the wrong side
(negative thoughts) is so important. It sets the tone for your entire day and if you have a bad start that
you do not replace with clearer, positive thoughts and attitude, the negative energy produced will
pervade every aspect of your day – every meeting, every interpersonal exchange, every sale, every
conflict - EVERYTHING! Your professional life is a mirror of your internal (personal) life!

PS. Have a wonderful day. It’s always your choice!
And that’s my word!
Pass It On!